GFF Podcast

Leverage the Future Potential of ECMS with Clearstream & Vermeg

Clearstream Season 3 Episode 1

Welcome back to season 3 of the GFF Podcast. In this new season, we kick off episode 1  with an in-depth discussion on the work being done by Clearstream and its partner VERMEG on the Eurosystem Collateral Management System (ECMS).

The ECMS will bring together the 20 Eurozone national central banks with a single, unified system for managing assets used as collateral in Eurosystem credit operations. Set to go live in April 2024, ECMS represents a major innovation for market participants across the Eurozone to access triparty collateral management and the European Central Bank (ECB). Join Michael Carignano Head of Market Innovation at VERMEG and Jean-Robert Wilkin, Senior Advisor at Clearstream, plus regular hosts Andrew Keith Walker and Christian Rossler for this lively chat about the impact of ECMS on the Eurosystem, and the upcoming Clearstream ECMS Roadshow.